Tony Hammond
Town Councillor / Communication, Events & Partnerships Chair
Tony was born in Kent but travelled widely internationally, despite having no language skills whatsoever, with long residences in Germany and Spain, but now very firmly a resident of Framlingham, having moved here four years ago. Originally, he had a clinical career in paediatrics but this morphed into health care management, in both the NHS and the private sector, as well as running several businesses over the years, but is now very happily retired. During Tony's working life, particularly latterly when doing project delivery for the NHS, he learnt how to fully access the true nature of any issue, and ensure that what was being proposed, properly addressed the concerns of all involved, as well as those using the service. Also learning to never underestimate the importance of quietly listening to all who felt their voice had something to add.
Framlingham for Tony is a truly wonderful town, populated by kind and fascinating people, and anything he can do enhance to things even more is something that he is happy to assist with.
Joined the Council 2024
Other Committees: Strategy & Development HR, Finance