Grant Funding
We currently have two types grants available: the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and a Small Grants scheme.
CIL - Community Infrastructure Levy Funding
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) grant applications have to meet specific criteria, and are considered every month by the Strategy & Development Committee. There are no application deadlines for this grant.
The application form outlines all the information that needs to be submitted, and the PDF below is in a format which can be downloaded and filled in on your computer. A Word version is also available.
Please contact the Town Clerk for any further advice at:
CIL Grant Application Form (PDF, 233 Kb)
CIL Grant Application Form, V2 (Word Document, 570 Kb)
Small Grants
Each year Framlingham Town Council awards small grants of money to charities, voluntary organisations and individuals which contribute to the well-being of Framlingham or promote the image of the town.
Small Grant applications are considered by the Finance Committee twice a year in October and February.
Your application should be submitted to the Town Clerk by 30th September and 31st January
The Aims of the Council's Small Grants policy:
- To enable local people to participate in voluntary groups and activities
- To help the Town's voluntary groups to improve effectiveness
- To ensure the provision of services, needed by the Town's residents, via the voluntary sector
- To support organisations which meet the needs of people experiencing social and economic difficulties
- To ensure that there is equality of access and opportunity for all Framlingham residents to the services it provides and funds
Small Grant Application Form (PDF, 199 Kb)
Small Grant Policy (PDF, 186 Kb)